szegi medical center, dianostic tests, aesthetic treatments, specialist clinics


Abdominal ultrasound

Abdominal ultrasound examination provides detailed information about the shape and structure of organs such as the liver, bile ducts, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen. It is also effective in evaluating the kidneys and abdominal blood vessels, as well as assessing the condition of the intestinal wall.

Pelvic ultrasound

Pelvic ultrasound is used to examine the uterus and ovaries in women, and the prostate in men. The structural changes in these organs can provide valuable insights into the origin of diseases.

Neck ultrasound

A nyakban futó verőerek kiemelten fontos szerepet játszanak a központi idegrendszer vérellátásában. Ha olyan panaszok jelentkeznek, mint a szédülés, fejfájás, fülzúgás, látászavar, vagy az ütőereket sztetoszkóppal megvizsgálva zörej hallható, javasolt a nyaki ultrahang.

Thyroid ultrasound

Ultrasound is typically the first examination performed when thyroid diseases are suspected. Inflammation, enlargement, tumors, or nodules in the thyroid gland can cause both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Prenatal ultrasound examinations

First trimester or 0-week ultrasound

This examination is performed from the 5th week of pregnancy and the primary purpose is to confirm the presence of pregnancy. It is scheduled one week after the expected start of the first missed menstrual period, as pregnancy is officially counted from the first day of the last menstrual period. This corresponds to 4+1 weeks of gestation on average, considering a 28-day menstrual cycle. At this stage, the presence of pregnancy can be confirmed, but only the gestational sac is visible, which starts to grow after 4 weeks from the beginning of pregnancy. By the 6th week, the fetal heartbeat can usually be heard.

What is examined:

  • Gestational sac size: This provides an estimate of the gestational age, as it grows by approximately 1 mm per day. For example, if the gestational sac measures 15 mm, the gestational age is 6 weeks and 1 day (15 days + 4 weeks)
  • Location Fetal
  • Heartbeat from the 6th week
  • Twin pregnancies can often be detected from the 6th week.

This examination is not mandatory, which is why it is referred to as the "0-week ultrasound examination."

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At our facility, you can find everything in one place - from aesthetic
treatments to specialist consultations and diagnostic examinations. Come to us for a consultation!

General ultrasound examination

The general ultrasound examination is performed from the 8th week of pregnancy.

What is examined:

  • Measurement and length of the baby
  • Estimation of fetal weight
  • Listening to the fetal heartbeat
  • Checking the amniotic fluid volume
  • Assessing the condition and structure of the placenta
  • Evaluation of blood vessels

This examination is not mandatory, but in certain cases, it may be recommended beyond curiosity. Some examples include:

  • Regular monitoring in cases where the fetus is smaller than expected for its gestational age, usually done every two weeks
  • In high-risk pregnancies
  • In families with a history of recurrent miscarriages

Gynecological diagnostics

Cyst control

Ovarian cysts are extremely common and in the majority of cases, they do not cause any concern. They can naturally resolve, be easily managed with medications, or removed through a simple surgery.

It is important to note that a cyst is not a disease but rather a general term for a fluid-filled sac. Since cysts often do not cause symptoms, they are most commonly detected incidentally during other ultrasound examinations.

Cysts are classified into two categories: functional and organic. After the presence of the cyst is detected in the body, the first and most important step is to determine its category. This is crucial because while most cysts are harmless, organic cysts can include cancerous ovarian lesions.

Common reasons for cyst control examination
  • Assessing the condition of the ovaries for those planning to conceive a child (especially if natural conception has not occurred after 6 months).
  • Regular monitoring of cysts discovered during pregnancy (in the majority of cases, cysts do not pose a problem during pregnancy and are harmless to the fetus; however, it is important to monitor their position and location for potential complications).
  • Monitoring previously detected cysts (if an ovarian cyst is discovered during another examination, it is recommended to re-evaluate its growth or possible disappearance after a few months).
  • Presence of painful or uncomfortable symptoms (e.g., lower abdominal pain, prolonged menstruation) indicating the presence of an ovarian cyst.

The examination is performed using abdominal ultrasound, which is non-invasive, fast, and painless.

If necessary, our clinic offers the possibility of blood tests, hormone analysis, gynecological, and endocrinological examinations.

Cycle monitoring – Ovulation ultrasound

What does the examination reveal?

The quick and painless examination is performed using abdominal ultrasound. It accurately determines the phase of the menstrual cycle and whether ovulation has occurred, which indicates the possibility of conception.

Failure to achieve pregnancy can often be attributed to menstrual cycle disorders. If the delicate biological balance required for ovulation is disturbed (e.g., due to nutrition or physical or psychological factors), ovulation may be delayed or absent for a shorter or longer period. However, if menstruation still occurs without ovulation, it is referred to as an anovulatory cycle. This can happen occasionally in all women, but if it is suspected to be regular, it is worth investigating. Cycle monitoring differs from tubal patency tests (e.g., tubal flushing) as no contrast material needs to be introduced into the body.

Common reasons for performing the examination
  • After 6 months of unsuccessful attempts to conceive.
  • For women over 35 who are planning to conceive.
  • Out of curiosity.

If your findings warrant it, our clinic offers the possibility of blood tests and hormone analysis as well.

More about the menstrual cycle

To understand menstrual cycle disorders, it is necessary to know how the cycle ideally progresses. In a healthy, sexually mature woman, the monthly cycle can be divided into two phases: the ovulatory phase and the menstrual phase, each lasting an average of 2 weeks. The beginning of the entire process is considered the first day of menstruation.

Make an appointment

At our facility, you can find everything in one place - from aesthetic
treatments to specialist consultations and diagnostic examinations. Come to us for a consultation!


Cervical ultrasound scan28 000 HUF
Breast Ultrasound Scan28 000 HUF
Abdominal ultrasound scan28 000 HUF
Thyroid ultrasound examination28 000 HUF

We reserve the right to change prices! The prices listed in the price list include VAT.

CTG/NST Fetal heart sound monitoring (1 session) - after consultation with the gynecologist8 000 HUF
CTG/NST Twin fetal heart sound monitoring (1 session) - after consultation with the gynecologist specialist9 900 HUF
Cycle monitoring - Ovulation ultrasound - after consultation with the gynecologist14 000 HUF

We reserve the right to change prices! The prices listed in the price list include VAT.

Várandós Labor 1 (elsõ trimeszter)25 700 Ft
Várandós labor 2 (második trimeszter)20 250 Ft
Várandós labor 3 (harmadik trimeszter)19 390 Ft
Ciklusmonitorozás - Peteérés-ultrahang14 000 Ft
CTG/NST Magzati szívhang-monitorozás (1 alkalom)8 000 Ft
CTG/NST Iker magzati szívhang-monitorozás (1 alkalom)9 900 Ft
UH vizsgálat hüvelyi 2D (vizsgálati díjon felül fizetendõ)10 000 Ft
UH vizsgálat hasi 2D (vizsgálati díjon felül fizetendõ)14 000 Ft
Terhesgondozás konzultáció + UH25 000 Ft

We reserve the right to change prices! The prices listed in the price list include VAT.

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