szegi medical center, dianostic tests, aesthetic treatments, specialist clinics

Proctology - Hemorrhoid Clinic

Hemorrhoids / Anal inflammation / Anal fissure / Inflammatory processes of the anal area / Anal fistula / Anal polyp / Colorectal cancer / Anal cancer / Laser hemorrhoid surgery

You can avail yourself of our private proctology outpatient clinic at the Szegi Medical Center in Budapest, in the 5th district (a 5-minute walk from Ferenciek tere metro station). We provide outpatient care at our clinic.

What does a proctologist examine?

At our proctology clinic, we examine the inflammatory processes in the anal area, both benign and malignant tumors, problems in the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract, and various abnormalities of the anus.

How is a proctological examination conducted?

During the private consultation at the Szegi Medical Center, our proctology specialist will thoroughly inquire about your symptoms, covering all aspects such as duration, nature, medical history, dietary habits, and lifestyle, in order to obtain the most complete picture before the examination.

Subsequently, if necessary, instrumental examinations may be performed. Depending on the nature of the symptoms, this may include rectoscopy (examination of the rectum) or anoscopy (examination of the anus).

During anoscopy, the proctologist examines the anus and the lowest 3-4 centimeters of the rectum. This examination helps identify typical diseases of the anus, such as anal fissures, internal hemorrhoids, anal mucosal inflammation, and any tumors that may appear in this area.

Anoscopy is usually not a painful examination, but in certain cases, there may be a burning or stinging sensation during the insertion of the instrument.

Rectoscopy, in comparison to anoscopy, involves the examination of the last 10-20 centimeters of the colon by the proctology specialist using a specialized instrument. The purpose of this examination is to identify polyps (benign growths) and malignant lesions in a timely manner, as well as to detect any inflammations, strictures, or ulcers that may be present. The examination is short, taking only a few minutes, and is not painful.

Make an appointment

At our facility, you can find everything in one place - from aesthetic
treatments to specialist consultations and diagnostic examinations. Come to us for a consultation!

How does hemorrhoids develop?

Hemorrhoids, or piles, occur when the veins underneath the mucous membrane of the anus become abnormally swollen. The swollen veins protrude in a lump-like manner. Symptoms may vary, ranging from simple protrusions to painful symptoms associated with hemorrhoids.

When should you schedule an appointment for hemorrhoid or anal examination?

  • Discomfort caused by hemorrhoids
  • Rectal pain
  • Loss of comfort in the anal area
  • Discharge
  • Itching
  • Excessive and sudden weight loss
  • Bloody stool
  • Unusual abnormalities around the anus
  • Anal fistula (we are unable to perform surgical interventions, but our specialist will examine you and refer you further if necessary)

Additionally, you can confidently turn to us for any discomfort caused by anal issues, hemorrhoids, or related conditions that affect your daily life. Your safety and well-being are our top priorities. We provide solutions with sensitivity, ensuring your comfort.

How can you prepare for the examination?

Please bring your previous medical records and laboratory results to the examination. Additionally, think about when, where, and how your symptoms started, as well as how they have changed over time. Inform the proctologist about any previous medical visits and possible medication

Come to us for a consultation!

During the consultation, our trained consultant will perform a suitability test and assess your health condition. They will also develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. If necessary, our consultant may recommend a medical consultation.


Proctological examination35 000 HUF
Proctological examination by ultrasound45 000 HUF
Proctology ringing40 000 HUF
Proctology specialist control examination26 000 HUF
Proctological control study + ringing66 000 HUF
Proctological minor surgery80 000 HUF
Proctological major surgery (guiding price!)300 000 HUF
E-prescription writing5 000 HUF

We reserve the right to change prices! The prices listed in the price list include VAT.

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