szegi medical center, dianostic tests, aesthetic treatments, specialist clinics

What does gynecology involve?

Gynecology deals with diseases of the female reproductive organs and their treatment. Regular gynecological screenings are highly important, even in the absence of symptoms, for preventive purposes such as detecting pre-cancerous conditions and screening for sexually transmitted diseases. Timely recognition allows for effective treatment of various malignant conditions or infections.

In our gynecology outpatient clinic, we guarantee the highest level of modern care thanks to our highly experienced specialist doctors and state-of-the-art laser and medical equipment, which are unique in Central Europe.

As we deal with a particularly intimate area of healthcare, we place great emphasis on providing detailed information, creating a pleasant atmosphere, and ensuring discretion. The professional supervision of the 2nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Semmelweis University further ensures the quality of our services.

In our clinic, thanks to our unique laser equipment, we offer intimate treatments for patients of all age groups. The cutting-edge technology provided by Alma Lasers offers clinically proven, minimally invasive, safe, and effective solutions for various intimate problems, ranging from alleviating menopausal symptoms to treating stress incontinence.

Make an appointment

At our facility, you can find everything in one place - from aesthetic
treatments to specialist consultations and diagnostic examinations. Come to us for a consultation!

Gynecological examinations available at our clinic:

  • Specialist physical examination
  • Cancer screening
  • Video colposcopy
  • Abdominal ultrasound examination
  • Transvaginal ultrasound examination
  • Intimate camera diagnostics
  • Hormonal testing
  • Endometrial biopsy
  • Histological examinations
  • Screening for sexually transmitted diseases
  • Folliculometry (ultrasound monitoring of ovulation)
  • Gynecological endocrinology
  • Investigation and treatment of menstrual disorders
  • Investigation and treatment of hormonal disorders affecting female sexual function
  • Personalized contraception planning
  • Comprehensive evaluation related to menopause
  • Investigation and exploration of causes of infertility
  • Investigation and treatment of sexual dysfunction


  • Prenatal care


  • Laser vaginal tightening
  • Laser treatment for vaginal dryness and recurrent infections
  • Postpartum rehabilitation and scar treatment
  • Laser treatment for stress urinary incontinence
  • Laser treatment for genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM)
  • Intimate skin whitening


  • Removal of condylomas (genital warts)
  • Surgical treatment of Bartholin's abscess
  • Removal of cervical polyps

Come to us for a consultation!

During the consultation, our trained consultant will perform a suitability test and assess your health condition. They will also develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. If necessary, our consultant may recommend a medical consultation.

CTG/NST Examination is available at our clinic and it is performed on a weekly basis starting from the 36th week of pregnancy, according to the professional protocol.

What is CTG Examination?

Cardiotocography (CTG) is the observation and recording of the fetus's heart rate (pulse rate) in relation to uterine contractions and fetal movements over time, using a paper strip.

NST Examination

  • If the cardiotocography examination is performed in a resting state and in case of non-labor, it is called Non-Stress Test (NST).
  • Important information about CTG/NST Examination
  • Thanks to the state-of-the-art technology, our clinic welcomes expectant mothers with the ECOTWIN device, which is suitable for cardiotocography examination during twin pregnancies.
  • CTG/NST examinations at our clinic are scheduled in advance to ensure that our pregnant patients can enjoy the examination duration in a calm and pleasant environment without any waiting time.
  • We provide tea and coffee at our clinic, and we offer sweeteners, chocolates to the expectant mothers so that the babies remain awake during the examination and the CTG curve can be evaluated.
  • CTG/NST examinations are performed by qualified healthcare professionals, midwives/assistants, who can refer the patient for further medical examination in case of significant deviations. It will be necessary to proceed with a specialist consultation or visit a private or specialized clinic even with the examination results.
  • At our clinic, accompanying relatives or loved ones of pregnant women are allowed and welcomed to participate in the examination together.

Compulsory Tests during Pregnancy

The birth of a new life is perhaps one of the most wonderful events in the world. However, between the positive pregnancy test and the birth of the baby, there are many things to do! Throughout the trimesters, various compulsory laboratory tests need to be conducted, in addition to genetic ultrasound examinations.

What tests are necessary during pregnancy?

"Zero ultrasound examination"

Many people rush to the gynecologist as soon as they hold a positive pregnancy test to confirm the pregnancy with an ultrasound. However, it is worth waiting for a few weeks to avoid unnecessary visits. In the early weeks, only the gestational sac is visible. The heartbeat can be examined after 7-8 weeks.

At our clinic, only laboratory tests can be performed.

Trimester breakdown for examinations:

First Trimester

The first trimester lasts approximately until the 12-13th week of pregnancy.

The first compulsory genetic ultrasound examination usually takes place towards the end of the trimester, around the 12-13th week. By this time, the baby's abdominal organs, skull, limbs, and heart are clearly visible. The nasal bone and nuchal fold are thoroughly examined, providing information about the possibility of Down syndrome.

It is also recommended to have the first dental examination during this period. Throughout pregnancy, a dental examination is mandatory, but it is recommended to have one in each trimester. The reasons behind this are that dental problems can occur during pregnancy, and oral infections increase the risk of preterm birth.

The first laboratory test is usually performed around the 8th week.

Second Trimester

The second trimester lasts approximately until the 26-28th week of pregnancy. The second genetic ultrasound examination is usually conducted between the 18th and 22nd weeks. During this examination, the baby's cardiac activity, cranial structure, and visceral organ functions are thoroughly examined. At this stage, the baby's gender can usually be determined with almost complete certainty.

The glucose tolerance test is performed between the 24th and 28th weeks. Upon arrival, a blood sample is taken, followed by the consumption of a highly sweetened liquid within a short period of time. After one hour of waiting, the second blood sample is taken, followed by another two hours of waiting before the third sample is collected. During this time, eating is not allowed, and physical activity should be avoided. The results of this test indicate how the mother's body processes glucose and whether there is a risk of gestational diabetes.

A complete blood count and urine analysis are ideally performed concurrently with the glucose tolerance test.

Third Trimester

The third trimester extends until delivery. Preterm birth refers to delivery before 37 weeks, while post-term pregnancy refers to a gestational age of over 42 weeks.

The third genetic ultrasound examination takes place between the 30th and 32nd weeks. At this time, the baby's weight is estimated, and the intrauterine position is checked. Ideally, the baby has already turned head-down toward the birth canal at this stage.

During the last month of pregnancy, weekly cardiotocography (CTG) examinations are required. The fetal heart rate and uterine activity are monitored during these appointments. This examination is also performed during labor and delivery.

The last blood and urine samples are collected around the 36-37th week of pregnancy.


Gynaecological services
Gynaecological consultation 22 000 HUF
Gynaecological examination26 000 HUF
Gynaecological check-up (within three months)22 000 HUF
Gynaecological examination + vaginal ultrasound35 000 HUF
Gynaecological check-up + UH (within three months)31 000 HUF
Gynaecological screening (vaginal ultrasound, cytology)35 000 HUF
Gynecology examination + pelvic ultrasound35 000 HUF
Pregnancy and contraception services
CTG examination8 000 HUF
IUD insertion with examination35 000 HUF
IUD removal with examination30 000 HUF
Pregnancy care (heart sound check + test prescription or artifact check)26 000 HUF
Pregnancy care + UH32 000 HUF
Pregnancy test (urine)2 000 HUF
Urine test (STIX)2 000 HUF
Prescription writing (outside the scope of a specialist examination, but for a treated patient)5 000 HUF
Availability fee17 500 HUF
We reserve the right to change prices! The prices listed in the price list include VAT.

Gynaecological services
Gynaecological consultation22 000 HUF
Gynaecological examination26 000 HUF
Gynaecological check-up (within three months)22 000 HUF
Gynaecological examination + vaginal ultrasound35 000 HUF
Gynaecological check-up + UH (within three months)31 000 HUF
Gynaecological screening (vaginal ultrasound, cytology)35 000 HUF
Gynecology examination + pelvic ultrasound35 000 HUF
Pregnancy and contraception services
CTG examination8 000 HUF
IUD insertion with examination35 000 HUF
IUD removal with examination30 000 HUF
Pregnancy care (heart sound check + prescription of test or artifact check)26 000 HUF
Pregnancy care + UH32 000 HUF
Pregnancy test (urine)2 000 HUF
Urine test (STIX)2 000 HUF
Prescription writing (outside the scope of a specialist examination, but for a treated patient)5 000 HUF
Availability fee17 500 HUF

We reserve the right to change prices! The prices listed in the price list include VAT.

Atopobium vaginae6 000 HUF
Bacterial culture and resistance test (aerobic)8 000 HUF
Chlamydia trachomatis PCR8 800 HUF
Microscopic examination of direct smear (from sent smear)2 500 HUF
Gardnerella vaginalis QPCR8 800 HUF
Herpes simplex virus (1/2) PCR with genotyping6 000 HUF
HPV full spectrum typing21 200 HUF
Sample handling fee3 500 HUF
Mycoplasma genitalium PCR8 800 HUF
Neisseria gonorrhoeae PCR8 800 HUF
STD screening panel 214 000 HUF
STD screening panel 319 000 HUF
STD screening panel 425 000 HUF
Treponema pallidum (Lues) spec. AT and RPR7 800 HUF
Trichomonas vaginalis PCR8 800 HUF
Ureaplasma/urealyticum/parvum QPCR8 800 HUF

We reserve the right to change prices! The prices listed in the price list include VAT.

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